Vegan, Plant-Based, and Whole-Foods Plant-Based


There is confusion about these diets. I read many claims of positive health achievements after following the "vegan" diet, and I am a bit surprised about that. This topic comes up frequently at home, on social media, in general media, and socializing.

Diet is a personal choice, but researching and checking with your doctor before making changes is vital. The Plant-Based journey is incredible but requires a lot of sacrifices, commitment, and research.


Veganism eliminates all animal-derived foods; their primary concern is animal welfare and the environment. This diet includes all plant foods.

A plant-based diet is very similar to veganism in that it concerns animal welfare and the environment, and the followers of this diet prioritize their health.


There is a lot of help on the internet about different diets, but whatever you decide, consider that to help our planet and our bodies, the kind of approach is whole foods, plant-based. It is not for everyone as it requires near-to-zero processed foods. This diet avoids (don't forbid but avoid) sugars, all processed flour, processed oils, and animal products. Instead, allows plants, herbs, vegetables, whole grains, fruits, legumes, seeds, and nuts.

Plant-based and Whole Foods emphasise food quality, locally sourced, and organic food.