My journey is probably no different to many others who try to find a magic cure for their problems, some of them are psychological or physical. As we grow up, life keeps presenting us with many challenges but not having enough support as a professional woman and a carer was detrimental for me.


As I wrote before, we tried so many things to find an answer to health issues, beauty issues, relationship issues, etc and eventually, our house ended up looking like a small shop full of things that we gave up trying as tools to solve our issues.


I tried to become healthy around 15 years ago but failed time and time again. It has taken nearly eight years since I first tried to commit myself to changing my diet. This last big push was also due to medical and self-esteem issues as my weight rocketed and my blood pressure went dangerously high. Also, I was borderline diabetic, anaemic and beyond stressed, the stress took me to the hospital once, which was scary.


My eldest daughter tried plant-based first and I saw a positive transformation in her, unfortunately after a while, she found it difficult to continue due to deficiencies. I found the diet very interesting as I love vegetables and eat crazy food frequently, such as rice with lettuce.


The beginning was dreadful, your body goes into detox mode, like drug-dependent people, I was very tired, and looked tired, but after approximately 1 month I noticed a change in my skin and hair, previous to this change I had lots of skin issues.


I started to experiment with smoothies as the list of what "you should have daily if you don't have meat and dairy" grew bigger and bigger. I used to bring to work the craziest smoothie combinations, mainly kale-based. I started to add linseeds after I  further researched menopause, and then after I added chia seeds.

I had my morning smoothie alongside green tea with lemon as my morning breakfast, obviously after my big glass of magnetized water.


I depended on my morning smoothie as I made sure that most of the good bits, like antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fibre, etc were added.

I was lucky then to meet a colleague who educated me about fruits and vegetables and how vital it was to have them fresh. The nutritional value dissolved once opened, you easily can see an apple deteriorate after a few minutes of peeling it.


If I fall into bad food during the day, like a pastry with coffee or something else, I don't feel too bad because I had my morning healthy smoothie, therefore this will count as a good intake in my stomach. When I go on holiday I make sure I find a smoothie place otherwise I feel malnourished, plus my bowel movements slow down. The fibre that I put in my morning smoothies is super important to clean my colon and the rest of my body plus the very important nourishment. I heard recently that the stomach is the center of the universe and I also believe so. 


Having fibre especially, alongside other nutrients as your first meal is just wonderful for the body. I always try to explain that the stomach is like a sink, if you put heavy stuff in it, it will clog. I understand that this is not suitable for all, mainly due to accessibility or intolerances, but with plants, the possibilities are endless.

My smoothies have evolved as I get to understand some winning combinations and how they can be enhanced by adding other healthy options, like mushroom powder or parsley for example.


Herbs and smoothies have opened another new level of possibilities as herbs enhanced the nutritional value of many fruits and vegetables. Herbs are a chapter on its own, but adding herbs to foods is an ancient tradition that has wellness reasons, like oregano for example which has been used to add antimicrobial agents since ancient times and the list is enormous.

I also heard that what you need in your body will grow easily in your garden, This is interesting and I am sure it sounds a bit crazy or like witchcraft, but oregano and sage grow crazy in my garden, I use both herbs for my dogs and us, there is nothing more amazing than a cup of sage tea to clear your mind and detox you.

Going back to herbs and smoothies, this started a few years ago and it helps to assimilate the fruits and vegetables easily in your stomach. Our Matcha infused smoothie is a winner that brings many benefits from the fruit and vegetables, but also from the Matcha combination.

My son has many intolerances and has an extremely slow metabolism, but smoothies help him make sure that he has the nutrients needed to start the day.

After lots of research, the mixture of fruit and root vegetables has started and our purple-sweet potatoes smoothie was created. This has been very beneficial and noticeable to all of us. 

When choosing the ingredients for my smoothies I believe that less is more, I am also aware that this is a difficult chore for some as requires dedication and lots of research, but I am so grateful for the tangible positive changes that my early smoothies have brought into our lives.

My wellness is an everyday job and I still have a long way to go. My weight went down from 83 kilos to 66, it took years, but for me is the natural way to do it. Also, weight is not an indication of health, but it helps as a sign of how our metabolism is doing.

I hope you have an opportunity to try one of our creations and I hope you enjoy reading this blog.